Fixing Expert

How to Deep Clean Carpet

How to Deep Clean Carpet

Deep carpet cleaning is highly essential and extends the longevity of any carpet. In our daily routine, we see all types of grime and dirt from spills, shoes, and pets on carpets. Even the soil and dust particles cause the carpets to retain odors and look dull.

Irrespective of how hard one tries to keep his carpet & Rugs neat and clean, it still become stained and dirty over time. Such stains and dirt can not be removed through a simple vacuum; instead, they require a deep-rooted clean. In this blog, we will discuss how to Deep Clean Carpet at home. There is no need to hire a carpet cleaning expert for this; you can easily do this yourself.


How to Deep Clean CarpetBefore you start deep cleaning, the initial step is to prepare your room for cleaning. The following are the basic pre-preparations for how to deep clean carpets.

Collect Accessories

You are first required to pick up anything on the ground, whether books, papers, shoes, or any other kind of accessory. If there is any trash or visible debris, remove that as well.

Moving the Furniture

How to Deep Clean Carpet

Moving furniture from the room as much as possible is advised. But if there are heavy items in that room, put little pieces of aluminum foil underneath them.


Vacuuming is now a must-have job. It will remove dirt and dust from the entire sisal carpet before you begin deep cleaning.

Pretreat Stains

How to Deep Clean Carpet

The above-mentioned steps were included in the pre-preparations. But now, let’s begin the primary step. If there is any stained area, you must remove it before cleaning the whole carpet. Use any carpet-cleaning spray or solution for this task and then put it over the stained area. After waiting for fifteen minutes, without rubbing, blot the stain out with a sponge or any damp cloth.

Alternative to Carpet Cleaning Spray

If no cleaning solution is present, you can simply use shaving cream. However, you must wait 30 minutes after using shaving cream and then blot the spot. After bloating, spray vinegar over the spot and wipe away after some minutes.

Method No 1. Use a Carpet Cleaner

How to Deep Clean Carpet

For a polished cleaning job, consider renting a carpet cleaner machine, which resembles a vacuum cleaner. However, its function is different from that of a normal vacuum. It uses a special cleaning solution and steam for deep cleaning.

It is suggested that you read all the instructions in the cleaner manual. This will make your work easy, as every cleaner has a different set of instructions according to its brand. Traditionally, you fill the cleaner’s tank with water and a cleaning solution and then plug it in.

Pretest the Solution

Now, begin with a spot test to ensure that the solution does not change the red carpet color or leave any stains behind. If you find any stain or discoloration, do not use it on any other area. But if it does not leave any stains, then it is good to go!

Position Yourself

Try to position yourself away from the door, then slowly go across the room and move the cleaner over the wall to wall carpet. It’s good to finish at the door so that it’s easy for you to leave the room without stepping on the wet carpet. This way, you will have a neat and clean look all over your carpet tiles.

Second Round

How to Deep Clean Carpet

If you still find dirt in the carpet, repeat the process once the first coat is dry.

Additionally, If you begin moving the cleaner from the door, it will be slightly difficult for you to get out of the room without stepping on the wet carpet.

Drying the Carpet

The last step is to open the windows and doors to let the carpet dry. Then, dispose of the rest of the water.

Method No 2. Deep Cleaning Using Dry-Cleaner Solution

How to Deep Clean Carpet

For this, you need to grab a dry carpet cleaning solution, which can be easily found at any commercial store. This dry solution is usually effective and breaks down dust and stains embedded in the bedroom carpet.

  1. Sprinkle the dry cleaning solution all over the carpet.
  2. You may need a brush to work the solution.
  3. Wait for fifteen to twenty minutes now.
  4. Lastly, vacuum it. (With this method, there is no need to wait for the carpet to dry before vacuuming).

Method No 3. Deep Carpet Stain Cleaning Solution

How to Deep Clean Carpet

You can also create your own carpet cleaning solution at home using a few common ingredients listed below.

  • One teaspoon of laundry detergent.
  • One teaspoon of vinegar.
  • One cup of warm water.


Mix these ingredients well in a bowl and then pour the mixture over the stain. Rub with a brush and leave it for twenty minutes. Now, with the help of a sponge, drain out the dirty water and vacuum.


  • If your home has many carpets or rugs, it is better to buy a carpet cleaner. This way, you can deep clean carpets twice a year.
  • Ensure you get a cleaner machine that you can quickly move or lift.
  • If a family member has a respiratory issue, do not use the chemical solution in front of him; instead, put a cup of white vinegar in the cleaner’s tank.
  • Shampooing the carpet is not deep cleaning. It makes your carpet smell good but does little to remove dust.

Final Words 

Are you still wondering how to deep clean the carpet? These steps above will help you deep clean your carpet more easily. A clean carpet enhances the aesthetics of any surface and makes the room’s interior look better.

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