Fixing Expert

How To Bind Carpet Edges? Best Tips 2024

Why is there even a need to bind carpet edges? Yes, you can lay your beautiful rugs and carpets without binding the edges but in that case, you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of a valuable purchase for a long-lasting period.

How To Bind Carpet Edges

That’s because the traffic flow will cause more harm to get the edges frayed and unraveled. Thus, leading to damaging the weave pattern around the carpet corners. Besides, the carpet finish will be distorted due to loose threads peeking out from the sides. All these factors combined demand that you bind carpet edges before usage.

Materials/Tools Needed For The Project

How To Bind Carpet Edges

The following list of materials and tools is to be arranged prior to engaging yourself in this practical task.

  • Binding tape or binding material of choice
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Double Sided Tape
  • Marking tool
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread (If Sewing)
  • Pins (If Sewing)
  • Seam Ripper
  • Hot Glue Gun (Adhesive Attachments)
  • Small Wooden Block (Optional)
  • Carpet adhesive or hot glue gun (Optional)

The Step-By-Step Guide To DIY Bind The Carpet Edges At Home

Here’s a procedure explanation that when followed precisely will surely help you efficiently bind carpet edges at home for detailed carpet finishing.

1. Measure The Carpet Edges

How To Bind Carpet Edges

The first thing that is to be done is to measure the carpet edges so that the right length of the binding material can be cut to size. Speaking of the binding material, there are too many available options on the market i.e. fabric binding, top-stitching, edge binding, serging, hand binding, etc.

Coming toward the choices, the commonly used materials are cotton and polyester. No matter how you choose to bind the carpet edges, you have to measure the carpet edges from all sides for proper cutting and attachment.

2. Cut The Binding Material To The Appropriate Length

cut the binding material

The next thing is to cut the binding material of choice to the appropriate length using scissors. In case, you’re using knitted fabric as the binding material, keep an additional inch on both sides when cutting for adjustment purposes. After that, you need to apply a fray-prevention product to the carpet edges so that the fabric or thread doesn’t get unraveled.

3. Attach The Binding Material To The Carpet Edges

attach binding material

There are various methods by which you can attach the binding material to the carpet edges i.e. sewing, double-side tape, adhesive, hot glue, etc. If you pick sewing to attach the binding material, you’ll have to put some additional effort into the work.

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Besides, sewing is mostly used for top-stitching fabric binding materials and not standard options. While using double-sided tape for the attachment and secured with hot glue, in the end, is a hassle-free task. We’ve explained the process for double-sided tape attachment below.

  • Keep the binding material strip in your hand and place it near the top edge of the carpet.
  • Secure that end of the binding material with a double-sided tape attachment.
  • Repeat the process for all the way attachment alongside the carpet edge.
  • Don’t forget to secure the attachment at regular intervals using double-sided tape.

4. Trim The Excess Binding Material

trim the excessive binding material

When all the sides are properly secured in place, you’ll face the problem of overlapping. That’s because of the additional inch or two of the binding material left behind for adjustments. Now, you can cut off that additional binding material for smooth and streamlined edge binding.

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5. Secure The Binding Material With Hot Glue/Adhesive

carpet edges binding with glue

Now is the time to permanently secure the binding material in place using hot glue or adhesive. Using the hot glue gun, you can apply glue or adhesive material to secure the binding material and the carpet edges. Make sure that you press the binding material against the carpet edges using a wooden block.

Alternative Methods For Binding Carpet Edges

Apart from binding the carpet edges with sewing, you can apply various different techniques to complete this DIY procedure. Below, we’ve explained some of the best alternatives.

1. Fusible Webbing

You can find fusible webbing manufactured using polyester or cotton for binding the carpet edges. There are various design pattern possibilities available on the market to have selection. For this purpose, a hot glue gun is used for permanent attachments.

2. Binding With The Yarn

Much similar to fusible webbing, binding the carpet edges with yarn is also another popular approach. It is a serging yarn technique that requires putting your sewing skills to work. Serging yarns come in wool, nylon, and cotton materials and are stitched or sewn around the edges.

3. Hand Binding Or Serging

If you don’t want the carpet binding to be noticeable, hand-sewn binding is the way to go. It’s the least detectable option because of the hidden stitching. For this purpose, a piece of cloth (matched in color) is wrapped and stitched around the carpet edges.

Common Mistakes To Avoid To Prevent The Carpet Edges From Fraying

common mistakes to avoid when binding

Here’s a list of some of the common mistakes that you should avoid when binding carpet edges to prevent them from fraying.

  • Use a straight stitch and not a zig-zag or overlock stitch to bind the carpet edges.
  • Cutting the binding material with dull-edged scissors and not sharp ones.
  • Not applying a fray-prevention product before stitching your binding material.
  • Don’t pull the carpet fabric from the edges or sides as it will cause them to fray or wear out quickly.

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The Important Tips & Tricks To Keep In Mind When Binding Carpet Edges

tip of binding carpet edges

Prior to binding the carpet edges, you need to keep in mind the following tips and tricks to complete this task efficiently and with no regrets.

  • Always choose the ideal binding material that doesn’t clash or distort the aesthetic appeal of your valuable investment.
  • The color of the binding material is to be carefully selected for a matching appearance to the carpet.
  • Make sure that the carpet edges remain even and straight after binding for smooth and streamlined appearances.
  • Always check for any loose threads prior to securing the binding material in place.

FAQs–Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do You Bind Carpet Edges By Hand?

Measure the length of the carpet edge and fold the binding tape lengthwise in half for around-the-edge placements. Then, stitch the tape in place using a needle and thread. Trim the overlapping edges (if any). 

2. What Is The Best Type Of Binding Tape To Be Used For Woolen Carpets?

For binding the edges of woolen carpets, natural fabric tapes like cotton and wool are the best options. However, synthetic fabric tapes from nylon and polyester can also be used for binding purposes.

3. Can I Bind The Carpet Edges Using Fabric Glue Instead Of Binding Tape?

While the answer is yes, it’s not recommended for a long-term and permanent solution for binding the carpet edges. That’s because it’s not durable and can’t stand the damaging effects of intensive foot traffic.

4. How Do I Clean A Carpet With Bound Edges?

Cleaning a carpet with bound edges is the same as cleaning an ordinary carpet. However, you just need to take care not to damage the carpet binding or cut the stitching. That’s why it’s advised to put hot glue to permanently secure the carpet binding.

Fixingexpert, acknowledged as the premier interior fit out company in Dubai, has earned a renowned status for providing superior interior solutions. Our team remains consistently available to cater to your interior decor requirements.

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